My blogs intend to be of two different types: instructional/educational or describing a fun experience. My writing style is light and hopefully will provide ideas on how to do new things or perhaps inspire new skills. I hope that they work for you and if you have any questions feel free to write a comment on the blog and I shall get back to you.

Best Images from Abisko 22/23 Season

Learning to love the Canon RF 35mm f/1.8 Macro...

The Start of the Insect/Spider Macro Season…

A Wren’s Breath

Ice Fishing

1st Impressions of the New Canon R5

My Last Month with the Robber Flies…

1st Proper Day out…

Stacking in Photography - What is it and Why...

‘All in the Detail’ Series Part 2

All In The Detail Series Part 1

My best images of the Abisko season so Far…